Shixiong Qi’s Homepage

I am a PhD student under the supervision of K. K. Ramakrishnan in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Riverside. My research interest encompasses a broad range of cloud and networked systems, going into the application interface with the operating system and network stack, and investigating the ways to enhance modern cloud-based applications. The common theme of my research is to make networked systems faster, more reliable, more efficient, and lately, more secure. Specifically, my work includes contributions to high-performance Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Middlebox, 5G and beyond mobile networks, and serverless computing.

🔊 I will be joining the Department of Computer Science at the University of Kentucky in Fall 2024 as a tenure-track Assistant Professor.

🔊 [Current openings:] I have a few openings starting in Spring 2025 or Fall 2025. Please visit Openings for more information.

Recent News

  • (Mar. 2024) L26GC has been accepted to IEEE Internet Computing.
  • (Feb. 2024) LIFL has been accepted to MLSys 2024!
  • (Feb. 2024) Received the Dissertation Completion Fellowship Award. Thanks UCR!
  • (Jan. 2024) An extended version of SPRIGHT has been accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
  • (Nov. 2023) Invited to serve as IEEE MASS’24 Publicity Co-Chair. Please consider submitting!
  • (Nov. 2023) We have evolved our high-performance 5GC solution to L25GC+. This new version tackles many of the pain points we encountered while developing the predecessor L25GC. I highly recommend you read the paper or check out the code of L25GC+.
  • (12/16/2022)